Successful Third Summer School of the DFG Priority Program “Hetero-Aggregates” (SPP 2289) at LTT in Erlangen

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Around 20 doctoral students from participating institutes across Germany came together to exchange ideas and further their education through a diverse program.

A key component was a workshop on scientific writing, where participants enhanced their skills in composing research papers and reports. Another workshop revisited the topic of “ontology,” this time focusing on a more concrete implementation within the SPP. In a concluding poster session, participants presented their research results to date and provided an outlook on the next three-year phase of the project. Opportunities for further future collaboration between the institutes were discussed. The program was complemented by joint evening events, giving participants the opportunity to network outside the scientific program. A highlight was the visit to the traditional Bergkirchweih in Erlangen. A tour of the old town of Nuremberg, followed by a communal dinner, rounded off the event. 

The third Summer School of SPP 2289 was a great success and strengthened the community of young scientists. It laid the foundation for further cooperation and established a solid basis for the second phase of the project. The combination of intensive courses and social activities enriched the participants both professionally and personally.