
Pumped thermal energy storage with heat pump-ORC-systems: Comparison of latent and sensible thermal storages for various fluids. In this publication you will learn about the effects of working fluid choice for modern Carnot batteries tog...

Category: Allgemein, Forschung

The LTT greets it's new colleagues: Lukas Strauß, M. Sc. (since 01.06.2019), AG Motorische Verbrennung Phillipp Bräuer, M. Sc. (since 16.09.2019), AG Angewandte Spektroskopie Hannah Ulrich, M. Sc. (since 01.10.2019), AG Verbrennungstechnik Daniele Iannarelli, M. Sc. (since 15.03.2020), A...

Category: Allgemein, Forschung, MitarbeiterInnen