News from LTT
The previous issues of “LTT Aktuell” can be found here!
We are grateful and proud that our paper “Tomographic single-shot time-resolved laser-induced incandescence for soot characterization in turbulent flames”, which Marcel presented at the last Combustion Symposium, was awarded the Distinguished Paper Award by the Combustion Institute in the "Diagnosti...
Spray flame synthesis (SFS) can be used to produce a variety of metal oxide nanoparticles. In order to better understand and further develop this complex process, the LTT has been using various optical methods for many years. In this article, this work is continued and the formation of iron oxide pa...
Congratulations to Jonas Bollmann
The 35th International SAOT Workshop took place on 23 and 24 September
In this work, phosphor thermometry was used for the first time as an imaging measurement method
4 participants and contributions represented the LTT at this year's Combustion Symposium
A cooperation with Shanghai Jiao Tong University
LTT was also represented with several contributions at the 10th Workshop on Laser-Induced Incandescence in June 2024.
From May 25 to May 29, 2024, the third Summer School of the DFG Priority Program "Hetero-Aggregates" (SPP 2289) took place at the Insitute of Engineering Thermodynamics (LTT), in collaboration with the Institute of Particle Technology (LFG).
The Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics participated in this year´s annual meeting of the DECHEMA / VDI groups GFSP, KRI, MFA and PMT on February 27 and 28, 2024 in Frankfurt a. Main, Germany with three poster contributions from the Particle Measurement working group.
The Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics was represented at this year's Flame Day at the TU in Berlin.
The Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics was attending this year's PARTEC in Nuremberg from 26 to 28 September with two talks from the particle measurement working group.
Dr Florian Bauer was awarded the MegaWATT Research Prize at this year's Thermodynamics Colloquium in Hannover.
Samuel Grauer, Assistant Professor visiting LTT
This paper describes the successful use of the exhaust gas stream from a porous burner to provide the heat for the endothermic dehydrogenation of hydrogen-rich LOHCs.
European Combustion Meeting in Rouen, France
Using a novel approach that combines broadband extinction measurements with tomographic methods, this work demonstrates the first in situ planar determination
In this work a hydrogen burner was developed, numerically optimized and experimentally characterized.
We would like to welcome Mr. Stefan Buchstaller as a new staff member.
In this publication, you will find out how temperatures in heat transfer oils or in liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) systems can be determined using the optical measurement method of phosphor thermometry.
In this paper, you will learn how the power density and the dynamics of the hydrogen release reaction can be improved via direct heating of the dehydrogenation unit using a porous media burner.
Doctoral thesis "Investigation of Soot Formation by Optical Diagnostics: From Precursor Measurements to 3D Particle Sizing"
New employee in the group Combustion and Reactive Flows introduces himself.
With this book, Prof. Stefan Will and his internationally renowned co-authors pursue a concept that complements that of conventional textbooks.
After a long Corona-related abstinence, two important conferences finally took place again in presence!
During the Long Night of Sciences on May 21, 2022, the LTT presented two current research projects.
In this publication you will learn how optical measurement methods (in-situ UV-Vis-NIR extinction and ex-situ Raman spectroscopy) are used to determine the band gaps of soot particles at two different stages during the soot formation process!
In this publication you will learn how a flexible setup for two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF) can be used for temperature measurement in flames!
In this publication, you will learn how wide-angle light scattering (WALS) is used to determine the size distributions of microdroplets and nanoparticles of different morphologies (fractal/spherical) in a complex spray flame process!
New employee in the group Particle Measurement introduces himself.
In situ characterisation of absorbing species in stationary premixed flat flames using UV–Vis absorption spectroscopy
Florian Bauer and Phillipp Bräuer win this year's €2,000 Innovation Award from SAOT
"Impact of Oxygenated Additives on Soot Properties during Diesel Combustion"
"Three-dimensional particle size determination in a laminar diffusion flame by tomographic laser-induced incandescence"
Pumped thermal energy storage with heat pump-ORC-systems: Comparison of latent and sensible thermal storages for various fluids.
In this publication you will learn about the effects of working fluid choice for modern Carnot batteries tog...
"Droplet sizing in spray flame synthesis using wide-angle light scattering (WALS)"
The LTT greets it's new colleagues:
Lukas Strauß, M. Sc. (since 01.06.2019), AG Motorische Verbrennung
Phillipp Bräuer, M. Sc. (since 16.09.2019), AG Angewandte Spektroskopie
Hannah Ulrich, M. Sc. (since 01.10.2019), AG Verbrennungstechnik
Daniele Iannarelli, M. Sc. (since 15.03.2020), A...
Florian Pickl, M. Sc., defended his dissertation 2019 succesfully.
First examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wensing, LTT, FAU
Second examiner: Prof. Dr. Rottengruber, Lehrstuhl für Energiewandlungssysteme für mobile Anwendungen, Otto von Guericke Universtität Magdeburg
"An optimized evaluation strategy for a comprehensive morphological soot nanoparticle aggregate characterization by electron microscopy"
PD Dr.-Ing. Lars Zigan receives the Wilhelm-Jost-Medal of the German Section of the Combustion Institute in recognition of his outstanding work in the field of combustion.
"Can soot primary particle size distributions be determined using laser-induced incandescence?"
"Soot aggregate sizing in an extended premixed flame by high-resolution two-dimensional multi-angle light scattering (2D-MALS)"
"Soot aggregate sizing in an extended premixed flame by high-resolution two-dimensional multi-angle light scattering (2D-MALS)"
PD Dr.-Ing. Lars Zigan completes his habilitation on "Imaging Techniques for Multi-Parameter Determination in Mixture Formation and Combustion Processes" and acquires the teaching qualification for the field of technical thermodynamics. Since 15.07.2019 he is entitled to use the title "Privatdozent"...
Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Schumacher successfully defended his dissertation in 2019.
First examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wensing, LTT, FAU
Second examiner: Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid, CRT, FAU
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Bornschlegel successfully defended his dissertation in 2019.
First examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wensing, LTT, FAU
Second examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Schlücker, IPAT, FAU
23. – 28.06.2019:
The LTT participates in the Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. We are represented with 4 posters presented by Florian Bauer, Jonas Bollmann, Ellen Hertle and Markus Labus. Prof. Stefan Will chaired the s...
14. - 17. April 2019:
The LTT participates in the 9th European Combustion Meeting in Lisbon (Portugal) with posters by Peter Fendt, Ulrich Retzer, Jonas Bollmann, Ellen Hertle, Bettina Münsterjohann, M. Kögl, Dr. Sebastian Rieß, Andreas Peter and Tim Russwurm.